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Photo by Trang Hoang & Pham Quang Phuc

Illustrated by Pham Quang Phuc


Have you ever wondered what would happen when a monster asked for your company on a journey? Well, we certainly had.


I started this project when I saw Trang's photos on her Facebook. Suddenly I had the feeling "Wow, I can do something with her photos". I said Trang how I love her photos so much and asked her permission to use them. In the beginning, we named the project Monsters' Journey. We had several years to play with our photos, illustrations, and storytelling. This project was explored in an unexpected way. We started with ten illustrations but now we had more than fifty artworks. Then we changed the name to Everywhere Monster. Luckily we became the Winner of The ASEAN Children’s Book Illustrator - Best in Fiction - 2018. This project is able to be published as an art book in the near future by Kim Dong Publishing House. I can't wait to see that!

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